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Towards a prosperous agribusiness sector in Iraq: Gashtukal گەشتوکاڵ

The GIZ ‘Private Sector Development & Employment Promotion (PSD) project’ focused on developing the private sector and creating jobs in the Iraq agricultural sector.  

ZOA implemented the ‘Gashtukal’ component of this project in 2023, focused on developing market innovation in agrotourism. 


Knowledge transfer for agribusiness innovation

Promoting Employment and Growth in Agrotourism 

ZOA offered agrotourism trainings and coaching accelerate agricultural tourism in the Kurdish Region of Iraq. By participating in our training, participants gained knowledge and skills to develop profitable businesses and improve their livelihoods. 


The webpage provides links to the legacy products of this project. 

These are: 
Route Tourism Map 
Project Highlights Video 
Project Short Documentary 
Agrotourism Curriculum 

This project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) (Commissioner) and the European Union (EU) and is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH: