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Climate Resilience

Climate change increases the risk of more severe natural disasters and even conflicts, causing people to flee. ZOA assists communities in adapting to climate changes. Our goal is to build a future where no one is forced to relocate due to climate change. We also support individuals in sustaining their livelihoods, regardless of the challenges they face.


Understanding Climate Resilience 

Climate resilience involves taking measures to better protect oneself, one's community, and the environment from climate changes. It's about making smart adjustments to reduce the problems caused by climate change, such as floods, droughts, or extreme heat.

ZOA's role in Climate Resilience

ZOA aims to consider the effects of climate change in all our projects and activities. We assess the climate risks for specific areas where we operate or plan to work. We collaborate closely with local communities and experts to understand specific needs and cultural contexts. This helps communities become less vulnerable to floods, droughts, or extreme heat. For instance, ZOA aids farmers in Africa with water management and cultivating crops that are more drought-resistant.

South Sudan
Bob van Dillen

Bob van Dillen, coordinator for climate resilience at ZOA

ZOA is committed to supporting people affected by climate change, so they can stay safe and secure where they are without having to relocate.

ZOA's future plans for Climate Resilience

ZOA has outlined seven goals to work towards climate resilience:

  1. Strengthening our assistance: We support communities both with emergency aid after a disaster and with the reconstruction of an affected area, focusing on those impacted by climate crises.

  2. Eco-friendly operations and reducing emissions: We aim to reduce our impact on the climate. Our objective is to achieve a 25% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2026 (compared to 2022 levels).

  3. Collaborating with local communities: We believe that residents of a community know best what they need. We aim to collaborate with them and listen to their insights.

  4. Expanding our knowledge: As an organization, we want to learn more about climate change and its risks. This will enable us to find better, evidence-based solutions.

  5. Partnering with other entities in the humanitarian sector: By working together, we can achieve more. That's why we collaborate with other humanitarian organizations.

  6. Inspiring others: We don't just want to make positive changes ourselves. We aim to inspire others to set ambitious goals for climate resilience and to do more for the environment.

  7. Measuring our progress: We aim to set clear objectives for what we want to achieve within our projects and monitor our progress accordingly.