As many as 8,400,000 people live in unsafe areas controlled by armed groups. In addition, years of violence have forced 8.5 million Colombians to flee within their own country. Add to this the 2.9 million refugees from Venezuela, and we are talking about a huge number of people who had to leave everything behind. Around 15 million Colombians do not know if they will have food tomorrow, and 3.2 million people in the country lack access to clean drinking water. There is a big need in Colombia!
Especially in La Guajira, a region in the north of Colombia, the need is immense. At least 59 percent of the more than 880,000 people in this area lack the resources to buy enough food. ZOA is therefore providing emergency aid in this region through food vouchers. ZOA staff works together with The Canadian Foodgrains Bank and World Renew to provide those vouchers.