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WASH: from water trucking to integrated water management

Clean drinking water, basic sanitation, and hygienic practices are of paramount importance for people’s well-being. The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted this again, as handwashing with clean water is the first line of defense against this and other viral diseases. 

Ethiopian women fetching water
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Water and hygiene

Focus on change at the local level

It is our goal that that more people who live in fragile contexts, especially woman and girls, have increased sustainable access to safe water and decent sanitation. We train and equip them with the right tools and skills to apply adequate hygiene practices. ZOA has extensive experience in both urban and rural projects in Africa, Asia and the Middle East with a focus on WASH: water, sanitation and hygiene.

Emergencies and crises

Clean and safe water is a basic and live-saving necessity for every person on earth. Still millions of people, mainly children, annually die or are seriously sickened by a host of water-related ailments—many of which are easily preventable. ZOA provides safe drinking water in situations of conflict or disaster, where limited or poor access to water and sanitation is further aggravated. Together with local organisations and businesses, ZOA constructs new or rehabilitates existing but damaged water infrastructure. Technical solutions are suited to the local situation and range from extremely deep boreholes, to rainwater or fog harvesting techniques.

African children playing with water
Matthijs Wessels

Matthijs Wessels, WASH Specialist

Access to clean water and safe hygienic sanitation facilities is not only vital to our health, it is crucial for our human dignity.

Community led interventions

Access to and use of hygienic sanitation facilities and an end to open defecation are crucial for public health. For ZOA, sanitation is about so much more than just toilets. Therefore, we promote Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS), whereby a complete community will work together to find localized solutions to stop open defecation.

Evidence based behaviour change programmes

When people are motivated to practice good hygiene – especially hand-washing with soap – the health benefits of water and sanitation interventions are significantly increased. Serious efforts to change behaviour require serious investment and professional skill. Such change needs to be voluntary and typically only occurs when people want to change. ZOA uses evidence based behaviour change programmes which are founded upon the experiences, desires and options of the people we work with. To have the highest impact on public health, ZOA combines water supply, sanitation, and hygiene promotion.

Watch a video on ZOA's water, sanitation and hygiene projects in Yemen:

Increase impact

Networks and partners

In the countries where we work, ZOA collaborates with the UN WASH Cluster, governments and local partners.