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Lifesaving assistance project launches in Syria

Amidst the deepening crisis in Syria, the 'Integrated Lifesaving Assistance for Crisis-Affected Populations' project has been unveiled in Aleppo, Quneitra, and Rural Damascus. Initiated in July 2023, this project aims to provide essential services and aid to those in dire need.

a protection-focused approach

Pioneering relief in Syrian hotspots

In response to the escalating humanitarian needs in Syria, a new initiative titled 'Integrated Lifesaving Assistance for Crisis-Affected Populations' has been launched in Aleppo, Quneitra, and Rural Damascus in July 2023. The primary mission of this initiative is to deliver an integrated package of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) services, food security & livelihood support, multi-purpose cash transfers, and shelter/NFIs.

This pivotal project is funded by the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and co-funded by the Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA). ZOA Syria has taken the helm for its implementation. Upon the successful execution of this project, targeted communities can anticipate:

  • Enhanced access to adequate WASH services and fortified hygiene practices.
  • Increased opportunities for livelihoods.
  • Enhanced resilience and reduced reliance on negative coping strategies.

To realize these goals, a series of activities have been charted out. These encompass the restoration of local water systems, rejuvenation of agricultural infrastructure, distribution of eco-friendly heating solutions, and financial aid to farmers, enhancing food security.

Kick-off workshop

A kick-off workshop was held in Damascus on 25 July 2023, with participation from all ZOA Syria staff. This event served as a platform for team members from various departments, including Program, MEAL, Finance, and Logistics, to share their strategic plans, ensuring seamless coordination. Attendees were also briefed on the donor's requirements and the alignment of ZOA's contributions with the donor's overarching strategies.

Workshop in Damascus

ZOA is committed to adopting a protection-focused approach throughout the project's lifecycle. This means that assistance will prioritize safety, accessibility, accountability, and inclusivity. Special attention will be given to women, children, and persons with disabilities, ensuring their needs are met with utmost care.

Read more about ZOA's work in Syria