This programme was funded by UKaid and the European Union and implemented by the Aqua4Sudan partnership. This partnership consisted of International Aid Services, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Practical Action, Plan Sudan, SOS Sahel, World Relief and ZOA. The targeted locations of the programme were the Red Sea, Kassala, Gedaref, North Darfur, South Darfur and West Darfur states.
Technical Paper: forwarding to Resilient Food Systems and Livelihoods
Highlights of good practices towards improved agriculture productivity using Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Sudan. The authors Long Hoang and Mehammed Yasir invite you to read and reflect on how the practices and insights from the Aqua4Sudan partnership can contribute to your day-to-day practices in sustainable land and water management.
Good practices
The Aqua4Sudan partnership has been meaningful in testifying to the transformative power of properly managing land and water resources in one of the most challenging contexts in Sudan. This paper about good IWRM-practices in Sudan under Aqua4Sudan is useful and relevant to many: water professionals, local communities,
governmental bodies, NGOs, and researchers. It contains crosscutting insights on impact and upscaling.